Mission Statement

Our clientele includes, on the one hand, job seekers with a migration background who participate in subsidized measures via activation and placement vouchers and, on the other hand, the cost bearers of the measures, such as the Employment Agency and the Job Centers.

Our education provider is committed to helping migrant:s find employment and providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully enter the workforce.

We believe in equal opportunity and the integration of migrant:s into society by providing them with the tools to develop their individual potential.

Our values:

  1. Empowerment: We believe that everyone has the right to develop their full potential. We support migrants in recognizing and developing their skills in order to achieve their professional goals.
  1. Diversity: We value the variety of cultures and backgrounds of our participants. We promote intercultural exchange and create an inclusive learning environment where everyone feels welcome and respected.
  1. Individual support: We offer personalized and customized support for each participant. We recognize the different needs and challenges of each individual and tailor our programs accordingly.
  1. Practical orientation: We place great emphasis on practical learning content and realistic exercises. Our participants are given the opportunity to apply their learned skills in real work environments and gain valuable experience.
  1. Network Building: We help our participants build a professional network by connecting them with potential employers, mentors and other relevant contacts. We believe in the power of networking and its importance for professional success.
  1. Sustainability: We strive to bring about long-term change. We follow up with our participants after they complete our programs and continue to provide professional development support.

A continuous improvement process is a matter of course for us in order to constantly optimize our services and meet the needs of our customers.

Our mission statement is aligned with the training and labor market. We want to help migrants find suitable jobs and at the same time close the gap in the shortage of skilled workers.

We attach great importance to quality and therefore rely on quality management as well as continuous training and further education. This ensures that our employees have up-to-date specialist knowledge and can provide our customers with the best possible support.